Ruritan is a civic organization whose purpose is to create a better understanding between rural and urban people and through volunteer community service, create a better place in which to live and work.
The motto of Ruritan is Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service. Club membership represents a cross-section of the community. Ruritan is available to all persons regardless of race, religion, age, national origin, handicap, political affiliation or sex.
Unlike most civic organizations, Ruritan rarely has national programs. Rather, each Club surveys its own community as to the needs of that community and then works to meet some of those needs. A large number of clubs work locally with FFA, 4-H and one in three Ruritan Clubs sponsor Scouting. Other local Ruritan projects include scholarships, community watch, recreation, Little League, athletic programs, anti-litter campaigns, and help to the sick and needy.
Ruritan members receive from the Club what they put into it. The great sense of camaraderie and fulfillment in the community service fills the hearts of those who make the commitment to attend their Club meetings regularly and serve when and where needed.