We are Ruritan!
We represent the “Ruri” for our rural roots and the “tan” for our small towns and cities. We are male and female, young and old, family members, friends and neighbors.
We are Ruritan!
We are strong. We serve others. We embrace our own and reach out with open hearts and hands to the sick, the oppressed, the lonely, the college student seeking an education. We share our goodness.
We are Ruritan!
We are a growing organization of volunteers. We have provided 84 years of community service. We invite others to join with us to make America stronger. Together we serve our cities and towns, our churches, our schools, our hospitals, our youth.
We are Ruritan!
We are parents and children, neighbors and friends working together, learning from each other, striving to keep America great.
We are Ruritan!
We are America’s leading community service organization. We are strong and stand tall to promote community service, fellowship, and good will. We are proud Americans.
We are Ruritan!
Written by 2012 Ruritan National President Phyllis Lewter